Que hacen una alemana y una española en Londres?
What are they doing a german and spanish woman´s in London?
Creo que una de las cosas mas duras de vivir en Londres, es que aquí estamos todos de paso, lo que significa que unos llegan y otros se van. En este caso se van...
I think one of the most hard thing to live in London is that a lot of people are here in a temporary basis, that means ones are coming and another ones are leaving. In this case they are leaving..
No puedo estar mas triste, mi amiga con la que he pasado los últimos casi 2 años, se vuelve a vivir a París. Que duro¡¡¡
I cannot be more sad, my Friend, with who I have spend the last 2 years she come back to live in Paris with her family.
La verdad es que me quedo con todos los buenos ratos que hemos compartido, tantas tarde se lluvia y de paseos.
I need to think in all the good moments we live together, a lot of afternoons raining and exploring the city.
Nos conocimos porque compartiamos el jardín, ese gran privilegio. Mas tarde nuestros niños fueron juntos a su primera guardería y empezamos a quedar por las tardes para compartir tantas horas con los niños, siempre se agradece la compañia en esas tardes de parque y mas en las tardes de lluvia que no se puede ni salir de casa.
We meet in our garden, and our child's go together to the nurse. We began to meet in the afternoons to stay together in the different gardens we have around, Holland Park, Ladbroke square, avondale park..always is better to stay in the garden with a friend, if not could be very very boring...We also meet in the raining afternoons, we went to museums, they began in the swimming pool together... at the end all of their life's together (they are 3 years old )
Me ha aficionado al te y ahora valoro mas la comida organica, aunque sigo sin comprarla la miro con otros ojos, despues de ver una casa con todo organico...claro que ella se ha aficionado al café y al jamón de jabugo, que no está mal...
I have get into the tea world and now I appreciate more the Organic food, although I didn't buy but I look it with another point of view, after see the " organic house", everything was organic¡¡¡ and she also get into the coffee world and she loves the "jamon de jabugo" I think is not bad our international exchanges.
Creo que cuando estas en una ciudad que no es la tuya, es muy importante tener buenos amigos y que esas amistades son muy intensas, al final compartes tu dia a dia con ellas, quiero pensar que son para siempre, eso solo el tiempo lo dirá, pero confio en que si. Viva las nuevas tecnologías¡¡¡
I think when you are in a city thats in not yours, it is very important to have very good friends. And at the end this friendship are very intense because are the people who you are sharing your day to day, and I want to know that are for all the life, but this only the time will say, but I am really hope so¡¡
See you soon¡¡ we are going to miss you a lot¡¡¡
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