For me Christmas is always a mix between happiness and sadness. Well, since I have my two little girls, more happiness than sadness. They transmit it a lot. But also sadness as we've had tough years and always in Christmas...
I would like to share with you that I have almost achieved 5.000 visits (4.984 visits in this moment)¡¡¡¡ So I can only have a appreciation words for you all, who dedicate a while of your time to read my blog and also being part of our lives, so Thank you¡¡¡
Cuando empecé con el blog, hace como 6 meses, no creía que fuera capaz de escribir tanto ni de hacer tantas cosas, pero aquí sigo, muy ilusionada y con ganas de aprender cada día. De hecho el año que viene empiezo un curso para mejorar mi blog...
La verdad es que tener una ventanita por la que asomarse para que la gente que te quiere siga tus andanzas londinenses, para los que no te conocen porque les llega lo que escribes o porque se quieren dar un paseo por Londres con niños, da bastante satisfacción. (Aunque he de decir, que pocos comentarios me dejáis...menos mal que están las herramientas de Analytics para saber que alguien me lee...).
When I began with the blog 6 months ago, I didn't have idea that I could write and do a lot of things to show you, but I am here, looking forward to continue and well disposed to improve and learn new things. In fact, next year I will do a blog course, we will see the improvements.
It is nice to open a little window of your life, more when you are far away, to share your London's adventures with the people who loves you and also with the people who doesn't know you but they read your post because what you write connects with them, or just because they want to come to London with Kids for a visit. In any case it's very rewarding. (I miss more comments but I have the Analytics tool to know that people is reading my blog...)
Para el nuevo año (nosotros nos vamos ya de vacaciones, es lo que tiene estar en otro Pais), no le puedo pedir nada mas que salud y fuerza para afrontar los momentos duros.
For the New Year (we are going on holidays back to Spain to spend time with the family), I only can request health and strength to deal the tough moments that are coming.
Seguiré buscando sitios para enseñaros en éste Londres infinito y por supuesto todo lo que se me ocurra hacer con mis enanas.
I will continue looking for new places to share with you in this infinite London and of course to show you all the things happened with the girls.
Ha sido un placer. El año que viene mas y mejor¡¡¡
It was a pleasure. Next year more and better¡¡
Te deseo lo mejor para estas Navidades y por supuesto para el nuevo año.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year¡¡¡